Voice of Courage: Sophie Cruz

Voice of Courage

In a world where courage blooms, a story unfolds,
Of a little girl with dreams, brave and bold.
Sophie Cruz, at just the tender age of nine,
Lit a spark, a beacon, a flame divine.

Parents from Oaxaca, Mexico, her roots deep,
To the land of opportunity, her family did leap.
But in the shadows of uncertainty, they did dwell,
Undocumented, in a land they hoped would tell

A tale of acceptance, of compassion, of grace,
But oft met with barriers, a challenging race.
Yet Sophie, with innocence, saw a way,
To speak up, to stand tall, to have her say.

At five, she approached the Pope, serene,
With a letter in hand, her message keen.
To plead for her parents, for those unseen,
To seek justice, to mend the broken seam.

Her plea echoed far and wide,
As the world watched, tears in their eyes.
For in her innocence, she held a power,
To ignite change in this darkest hour.

From that moment on, Sophie’s voice soared,
A beacon of hope, a champion adored.
She marched with women, in solidarity,
For equality, justice, and dignity.

She sat in on hearings, with wisdom beyond her years,
Listening intently, dispelling fears.
Meeting leaders, from near and far,
A symbol of resilience, like a guiding star.

She stood tall,
A testament to the power of one small
Voice, echoing through the chambers of power,
A reminder that change blooms like a flower.

Though young in age, her spirit vast,
Sophie Cruz, a force unsurpassed.
In the immigrant rights movement, she stands strong,
A testament to courage, where she belongs.

So let her story inspire, let it ignite,
The flame of justice, burning bright.
For in Sophie’s journey, we all can see,
The power of one voice, the power to be free.

Thank you

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