Submit an entry

Complete this form to submit your entry to the League for Innovation Literary Contest. You may enter more than one time, but you have to complete one of these submission forms for each entry. First, be sure your name and contact information are entered correctly — that’s how we will find you!

Now we’re ready for you to submit your entry! Enter your submission in the text box below. Typing is the best way to submit it, but cut-and-paste usually works.
***drop down for genre: short story, poem***

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You agree (1) that you aren't doing evil things to our website, (2) that the work you are submitting is your own, and (3) you give us permission to publish your work as long as we attribute it to you and don't make money off your work.

You’re done! Look back one last time to be sure everything you entered is correct. When you’re ready to submit your poem, click the Submit button below.