
As a nurse aide, echoes of life’s trials in noise would serenade.
On the fourth day’s whisper, a revelation starts to speed,
I found in silence, the rhythm of my beating heart.
Checking vital signs to hear the heart beep,
Life’s pattern in pulses, a depth full-blown.
Listening to the doctor, and seeing the family cry,
In the heart of crisis, where seconds weigh,
A struggle with life, where optimism dictates.
Through the corridors, a sprint and a prayer.
In the face of gloom, empathy set free.
Each beep and hum, a language untold.
In the emergency’s grasp, a narrative revealed.
With every measured step, a purpose defined,
In the tapestry of chaos, a healer’s design.
The doctor’s words weigh heavy, truth implies.
The oak of solace, witnessing broken hearts.
In life’s grand stage, where fates entwine,
The oak stands firm, a sentinel benign.

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